Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Instinct, premonitions, gut feelings

I've had some worrisome symptoms for about ten days now. My back is popping or clicking, its's hard to describe. It's similar to if you intentionally crack your back but in my case it's anything but intentional. I had touched base with the RN at my Dr office when it first started and she assured me that it was probably the last movable section of my back (L5-S1) that was making the noise. This area was greatly debated prior to surgery as to the pros and cons of fusing. The disc itself is in good condition and the surgeons reason for not fusing me all the way to the pelvis was to give me some movement still below the waist. I knew going into this that this particular area would wear out, but we were hoping that it would last me close to ten years before more surgery would be needed (although that was wishful thinking on my part).
X-rays were taken today and over all I am on target and doing well except for this worrisome clicking. The Dr asked me to move some as to cause it to happen. He also asked me where I was feeling the sensation. Initially I only felt it at night when rolling over in bed and it felt as if it was indeed in the lower section of my spine. But the last few days I can distinctly feel it in my mid lumbar region, the area that was originally fused in 2003. To my eye when you look at the x-rays it looks as if the hardware on the front of my spine is actually touching the rods on the back of my spine. He tells me that this should not be but.......
                                       To my untrained eye that's exactly what it looks like.

So after examining me and feeling, hearing it for himself he shares my concern. So the next step is a CT scan as soon as insurance approves it and then we see where to go from here. Indeed he has warned me that I may need to go back in and fix whatever is causing the issue. So what does that mean? I'm not sure and neither is he, it will be a wait and see approach to whatever the CT scan shows. In addition he also told me that unfortunately that ten year plan of mine is in more likelihood only a few years down the road. This final disc is going to wear out much quicker than we anticipated if it's already suffering the load bearing of the 14 levels above it.

On a happier note I am driving again as of two days ago. It's tricky backing up and merging into traffic as I can't look over my shoulder like we all do while driving. I've added some additional mirrors to my side views to help and I am driving like your 90 year old grandma. But it is freedom from being stuck in the house and relying on others to take me places.

I'm also walking a mile or more at a time on the treadmill or out walking about with Ed on the weekends. I rarely have to lie down to rest mid day but still have to sit and put my feet up every few hours.
Pain wise I am down to one narcotic per day and a couple of doses of extra strength tylenol. I start therapy in about ten days and I am anxious to start working on some core strengthening.

So I am back to asking for prayers.  A surgery a few years down the road I can contemplate but re doing all of this in a week or two..........It makes me ill to even think of it.

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